Celebrate your love for lagers with two of our most popular year-round beers – the bright and crisp Sunshine Pilsner and the dark and crisp Troegenator Double Bock. Is the elusive “Year of the Lager” finally here? Yes. Yes, it is. #LongLiveLagers

Sunshine Pilsner info graphic.
Sunshine Pilsner cans and glass outdoors.

It takes the right ingredients, people and processes to nail the complex balance of two-row barley, zesty Saaz hops and lager yeast. Secondary fermentation creates natural carbonation that delivers soft notes of fresh-cut straw and flowering herbs. In the end, this bright and refreshingly clean American craft pilsner is our go-to when the sun is shining and makes us happy when skies are gray.

We taste: bright citrus, flowering herbs, honeyed biscuit

Sunshine Pilsner Food Notes.


Troegenator Doublebock info graphic.
Troegenator 12-pack can and glass.

One taste of Troegenator tells you this is no ordinary beer. Malty and crisp. Traditional yet timeless. A rebel with a sweet side. This deliciously dark double bock calls for so much grain we had to custom-build our brewhouse around it. Layered with notes of smooth caramel, stone fruit and fresh toasted grains, ’Nator is a beer for people who love beer.

We taste: smooth caramel, stone fruit, fresh toasted grains

Troegenator Food Notes.


Custom mash tun

Mash tun drawing.

The mash tun in our 100-bbl brewhouse was built to handle both the delicacy of Sunshine and the decadence of Troegenator. “On the one hand, we needed to design a system that doesn’t scorch Sunshine’s delicate mash,” says Brewmaster John Trogner. “At the same time, it also needs to be able to handle more than twice the amount of grain when we’re brewing Troegenator.”

Drink local

Harvester and grain field.

With the rise of small-batch malting here in Pennsylvania, a lot of opportunity has opened up to use local grain. Our friends at Deer Creek Malthouse in Glen Mills and Double Eagle Malt outside Philly have helped establish which brewing grains grow best in our climate. And they’re working hand-in-hand with farmers across the mid-Atlantic on variety selection, growing guidelines and optimal storage conditions.

The result is a growing economic opportunity for farmers and a chance for us to deepen our Pennsylvania roots and get our hands on some really interesting malt.

Today, we buy about 250,000 pounds of local malt every year, and a good chunk of that goes into Troegenator. You can certainly taste the crisp notes of Keystone Pale Malt in our year-round double bock.

“We’ve made a conscious decision to pay more for malt because it’s local,” says brewmaster John Trogner. “To be honest, we’re really excited to have that opportunity. We can give back to the community that has helped us grow.”

Beer and food … better together

Here at Tröegs, we’ve thought long and hard about not just what foods pair with our beers, but why. We’re not out to tell you what to eat, but to inspire you to create pairings that perfectly suit your own palate.